速報APP / 教育 / Abidin - The Mysterious Star

Abidin - The Mysterious Star


檔案大小:503.3 MB

版本需求:系統需求:iOS 9.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


Abidin - The Mysterious Star(圖1)-速報App

Abidin’s Stories with Smart Toys:

Abidin - The Mysterious Star(圖2)-速報App

Abidin gives parents an opportunity to improve their children’s cognitive development with a brand new approach. With a dynamic story and interactive toys, Abidin is an innovative product. It is innovative in the means of both technical and educational aspects. Abidin is played with physical toys that are interactive with the screen of tablets and smartphones.(SMART TOYS will be on the stores soon) Stories and games are designed and developed by experts aiming to give children preschool education curriculum with universal topics.

Abidin - The Mysterious Star(圖3)-速報App

The innovative features of Abidin are;

Abidin - The Mysterious Star(圖4)-速報App

-Dynamic Story Base

Abidin - The Mysterious Star(圖5)-速報App

-Smart Toy Library

Abidin - The Mysterious Star(圖6)-速報App

-Cognitive Development Tracking Tool

Abidin - The Mysterious Star(圖7)-速報App

-Interaction with Physical Toys

Abidin encourages children to create their own stories with the decisions they make within the game. It also lets them to use smart toys (numbers, figures with different colors, animals, outfits, cars, aquariums, gardening tools, etc.) while making those decisions, which makes this project a first when it comes to bringing a tablet game with a dynamic storyline and smart toys together as an educational tool for preschool children

The interaction of children with the digital technology became a popular issue in today’s world. Parents and educators are seeking solutions to the problems raised with the prolonged usage of tablets/smartphones. Prolonged usage of tablets/smart phones may cause; difficulties in perspective, distance and the location cognition of objects in 3-D environment during child's growth, affects the muscular and skeletal development of children. Games and videos with inappropriate content may have effects on children such as fear, aggression and early puberty.

Abidin, on the other hand is designed by preschool educators to eliminate those problems and let children learn while having fun. It consists of educational stories for children aged 4-8. With this appropriate content; parents can leave their child unattended with their tablets without worrying. Stories contribute to the emotional and cognitive development of children. With the use of interactive toys accompanied by stories, children' posture is kept from disorders. The use of toys that can be hand-held together with educational applications contributes to the spatial development of children. So Abidin is changing a big question of “How can we keep children away from tablets/smart phones?” to “How can we use the advantages of digital technology to contribute to children’s cognitive development?”

支援平台:iPhone, iPad